MONDAY 2.27.23: Amazing moments in the Temple

Read Luke 2:41-52

Simeon and Anna, elderly servants of God, saw their hopes coming true in the baby Jesus. Simeon saw that Mary’s life would hold pain as well as joy. Luke told about how Jesus showed precocious insight into his mission at his first Passover. Mary and Joseph felt the complex dynamics their unique son brought into their lives.

• Reflect on Simeon’s words in verses 34-35. How did each phrase point to an aspect of Jesus’ life and ministry? In what ways has your loyalty to Jesus brought challenges and adjustments in life? Has facing those challenges for Jesus’ sake been worth it?

• Luke 2:41-52 is the only glimpse any of the gospels give of Jesus’ boyhood. What does it show you about the unique challenges his parents faced in raising God’s son? How did it foreshadow the power of Jesus’ preaching and teaching some 18 years later?

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for Mary and Joseph’s courage, commitment, and sensitivity to your will. Shape me into a person committed to reflecting your love in all my relationships. Amen.