MONDAY 3.27.23: Forgiveness – Luke 17:1-19

Jesus told his disciples they must forgive “even if someone sins against you seven times in one day” (Verse 4; Matthew 18:21-22 said either “seventy-seven times” or “seventy times seven”). In any form, that’s a lot more forgiving than we do innately! “Increase our faith!” the disciples gasped. Jesus said faith isn’t a matter of quantity. He healed ten men of skin diseases when they showed just a little faith.

• Do you ever fear that Jesus’ words about forgiveness meant you should be a docile “door mat”?  They didn’t. The gospels show Jesus firmly confronting his foes (e.g., driving money changers from the Temple—Luke 19:45-46). How can God (and wise human therapists) help us deal with hurt or betrayal in healthier ways than refusing to forgive (which harms us more than others)?

• On his way to Jerusalem, somewhere near the border between Galilee and Samaria, Jesus met the ten outcasts with skin diseases. Jesus healed and delivered them all, yet only one of those, a “bad” Samaritan, praised God. What experiences or inner obstacles make it harder for you to feel gratitude? Are there things you have forgotten or neglected to thank God for?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for times when I hurt you, or another person, without knowing what I was doing. And forgive me for the times when I’ve defied you, or hurt someone else, knowing exactly what I was doing. By your grace keep me forgiven and forgiving. Amen.