School Supply Drive

Join us in making a difference in education! We're excited to support our partner school and community teachers. Your contribution can help ensure every student has the tools they need to succeed. Together, let's empower students and support our educators in creating a brighter school year! Shop one of the teacher wish lists below or click the donate now button to make gift now. To give by check, mail or drop off your donation at Salem, and include "School Supply Drive" in the memo.

Lyon Academy at Blow

Help us make a difference at Lyon Academy at Blow Elementary School, one of our St. Louis Public School partners, by donating or shopping through our Amazon lists today.

Tiffany Krawiecki


Shopping List
Tiffany Welch


shopping list
Jen Enger


Shopping List
Ashley Manzo

1st Grade

Shopping List
Regan Peterson

2nd Grade

Shopping List
Dawn Bertrand

3rd Grade

Shopping List
Danielle Kulha

4th Grade

Shopping List
Brooke Koester

5/6th Grade English Lanuage Arts

Shopping List
Melissa Young

5/6 Social Studies and Science

shopping list
Caleb Pavon

7/8th Grade Social Studies

shopping list
Allyson Miller

7/8th Grade English Language Arts

classroom shopping list
Allyson Miller

7/8th Grade English Language Arts

library shopping list
Caprice Cooper

7/8th Grade Science

shopping list
Ashly Brefford

7/8th Grade Math

shopping list
Kim LaVenture

Reading Intervention

shopping list
Tracy McCord

Math Intervention

shopping list
Cynthia Monken


shopping list
Tiffany Rich-Lane

K-5th Grade Special Education

shopping list
Mareka Henderson

6-8th Grade Special Education

shopping list
Support Community Teachers

Join us in supporting teachers both locally and beyond, particularly those affiliated with Salem. Explore the lists below to shop or consider giving a gift.

Holly Fruend

Special Education Teacher K-2 // Bermuda Elementary // Ferguson-Florissant School District 

Shopping List
Alisha Williams Gould

PreK-5 Music // Hazelwood

shopping list
Victoria Grogan

1st-6th grade class // Metro East Montessori School, Granite City, IL

shopping list
Justin High

4th Grade English Language Arts Teacher // Mountain View Elementary // Manchester, GA

shopping list
Kelsey Koenig

8th Grade Math // Wydown Middle School // Clayton School District

shopping list
Melynda Lamb

Choir // Pattonville High School

shopping list
Rob Lamb

Chemistry & Forensic Science // Pattonville High School

shopping list
Stephanie Mahley

Preschool // Central Christian School

shopping list
Molly Mereness

1st grade teacher // Lillian Schumacher Elementary // Liberty MO

shopping list
Christina Michie

4th grade math // Oaks Elementary School TX

shopping list
Jennifer Overfield

7th grade math // LSE Middle School // Boonville, MO

shopping list
Jessica Puyo

4th Grade // Washington, D.C.

shopping list
Emily Smith

6, 7, 8 Social Studies // Central Middle School // Parkway School District

shopping list
Kailey Triplett

Teacher/Classroom Assistant // Peirremont Elementary // Parkway School District

shopping list