WEDNESDAY 3.22.23: How Can I Bear Fruit for God? – Luke 13:1-30 Speaking to the tragedy of Roman soldiers killing Galileans, Jesus rebutted the idea that bad things always showed God’s wrath. He told a...
TUESDAY, 3.21.23: Ready to Serve – Luke 12:35-59 Few of us want to be earthly “servants,” but Jesus used that image for our relationship to God. Good servants were always ready to...
MONDAY 3.20.23: Trust in God’s Sufficiency – Luke 12:8-34 Jesus used a simple, sobering parable to get his listeners (and us) to consider how far ahead our plans reach. For the rich fool hoarding...
SUNDAY 3.19.23: Trusting in God’s Faithful Love Forever – Psalm 52 The passages we read in Luke this week will remind us that God wants us to consider others in every decision we make in this life. We will...
SATURDAY 3.18.23: Share God’s Forgiveness with Yourself – Luke 11:37-12:7 As Jesus moved steadily toward Jerusalem, the tension between the status quo and God’s kingdom kept building. Jesus challenged religious...
FRIDAY 3.17.23: The Changes that Let in the Light – Luke 11:14-36 The self-righteous religious leaders claimed Jesus freed people from the effects of evil only because he was in league with the ruler of...
THURSDAY 3.16.23: How Would You Share Your Faith? Surprises – Luke 10:25-11:13 As Jesus chose “to go to Jerusalem” (9:51), he met more and more legal experts and Pharisees testing him with questions that sought to...
WEDNESDAY 3.15.23: Evil’s Kingdom is Falling – Luke 10:1-24 Yesterday we read that Luke said Jesus “determined to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). He told his disciples he was “about to be...
TUESDAY 3.14.23: Become More Childlike From Luke 9:51 on, Jesus was purposefully going to Jerusalem. (He arrived in Luke 19:28-30, on what we call Palm Sunday.) For Luke, this...